Privacy Policy

 Privacy Policy for VileBuzz

Welcome to VileBuzz! Our unwavering commitment to preserving your privacy and safeguarding your personal information is at the core of our principles. This Privacy Policy is designed to clarify how we gather, utilize, and protect your data on VileBuzz and related platforms under our ownership.

Information Collection and Usage

We collect personal information only when it’s essential to deliver our services, always with your informed consent. We are completely transparent about the purpose of data collection and its intended use. Your data is retained only for the duration necessary to fulfill your service requests and is secured using industry-standard security measures.

Rest assured, we do not share your personally identifying information with third parties unless compelled by applicable law.

External Links

Please be aware that our website may contain links to external sites beyond our control. We bear no responsibility for their privacy practices or content. It is advisable to review their privacy policies.

Declining Information

You retain the right to decline providing personal information, but do note that it may impact our ability to offer certain services.

Acceptance of Privacy Practices

By utilizing our website, you signify your acceptance of our privacy practices concerning personal information collection and usage. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at

Cookies Policy for VileBuzz

At VileBuzz, we leverage cookies to enrich your browsing experience. This Cookies Policy elucidates the types of cookies employed, their enhancements to your experience, and guidance on managing them.

What are Cookies?

Cookies, as diminutive files, augment your website experience by preserving information. This page elaborates on the data collected by cookies, how they are employed, and offers guidance on disabling them (bearing in mind potential impacts on site features).

How We Use Cookies

Our usage of cookies encompasses several purposes:

– Account-related cookies: Streamline account management and preferences.

– Login-related cookies: Sustain your login status.

– Email newsletters-related cookies: Determine newsletter subscription status.

– Orders processing-related cookies: Recollect order details for e-commerce.

– Survey-related cookies: Elevate user survey experiences.

– Forms-related cookies: Retain user details for future correspondence.

– Site preferences cookies: Personalize site preferences.

– Third-party Cookies: We incorporate reputable third-party cookies for analytics, testing, and social media integration.

Disabling Cookies

You have the option to configure your browser settings to disable cookies, although it may affect site functionality. As a general rule, it is advisable to keep cookies enabled for optimal performance.

Additional Information

This policy takes effect from October 22nd, 2023. If you have reservations about cookies, enabling them ensures the most robust interaction with our site’s features.